Tag: money

What to Spend Money on at University

| June 18, 2015 | 0 Comments
What to Spend Money on at University

There are thousands of articles out there telling you how to save or make money while a student at university. This is of course important but being told about it from your mum and then seeing the same ‘student finance guides’ everywhere, from newspapers to websites and when you finally arrive at university, can get […]

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Fun Finance Facts – Who Knew Money Could Be Funny?

| June 18, 2013 | 0 Comments
Fun Finance Facts – Who Knew Money Could Be Funny?

When you begin to talk about finances, everyone in the room suddenly has the urge to yawn. It is just not a fun topic to talk about. If you wish to slowly induce everyone into a coma, begin talking about the best ways to save your money. What if you are one of the few […]

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Online Lenders – An option for students?

| October 9, 2012 | 0 Comments
Online Lenders – An option for students?

Image credit: Philip Taylor As students, many of us are used to having disposable income but when that dries up, or when we there’s a sudden expense (laptop repair, broken mobile phone or worse still, broken boiler) we may need somewhere to get a short term loan quickly. It may not always be a sudden […]

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Student short term loans – good or bad?

| July 6, 2012 | 0 Comments
Student short term loans – good or bad?

It’s a funny thing because nothing that we write seems to get as much feedback on LondonStudent.co.uk than articles on the subject of short term loans. Many of the comments are positive. We receive stories from students who have used sites like this to get a short term loan and have done so hassle free […]

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