Study habits of successful students! 5 ways you can improve your study habits

| November 13, 2019

Life is full of distractions and never are those distractions more prominent when we have a huge amount of studying to complete. Whether its friends, the TV, social media or even doing a little housework in order to put it off, we’re all seemingly attracted to procrastination. When we’re at school, we usually complete homework as it comes and studying a couple of hours a day for our exams is usually enough to see us through. However, when you hit Uni, it’s an entirely different ball game. There just aren’t enough hours in the day! 

Developing your own positive and effective study habits is crucial for anyone who wants to enjoy their student life, create a healthy balance with their studies and their social life and for those who want to pass with flying colours. Read on for 5 ways you can improve your study habits. 

Get help where you need it

Plagiarism, citations, APA references…is there anything more confusing or arduous then trying to get these right? If you’re hoping to streamline your studies and work more efficiently and effectively, then why not check out a citation and APA reference programme? You can check out an apa reference page here. These tools can help guide you through the process and ensure everything is correct before your work is marked. Check it out now. 

Don’t cram – be consistent instead

We’ve all done it…been sat with our eyes propped open with matchsticks the night before a test, or a deadline. With the mark usually reflecting the stress and the last minute desperation. If this sounds like your approach to studying, then now is the time to change. Set up a schedule that allows you to study is smaller chunks throughout the day rather than one large session over several days. You’ll have more energy, you’ll take on the knowledge better, won’t feel as much pressure and still have time to do other things. Don’t cram

When you study have a goal in mind

Studying without a goal can make the whole thing seem endless and laborious to say the least. So, when you set up to study, consider a goal. It might be to complete an entire module, to memorise a certain number of facts, or complete a particular number of activities within your session. Just make sure your goals are helpful and supportive of your overall studies.

Remove distractions 

As mentioned above, distractions are everywhere, especially when you’re trying to study. So, you need to take the steps needed to remove them. Leave your phone in another room, shut your bedroom door, unplug the TV, wear noise cancelled headphones and let others know that you’re currently studying, they’ll probably be a bit more considerate of the noise and distractions that they are creating.

Study notes are your friends

You need to start taking good notes in your classes, that way when you sit down to study and then begin an assignment you’ll know exactly what is expected of you and how to complete the assignment correctly.  

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