Embracing Your Personality Through Style And Actions: How You Can Stay True To Yourself
Sometimes in life it can be easy to sit back and follow the crowd. Your can blend in when it comes to group conversations, afraid to state an opinion because mentally you don’t feel strong enough, and let’s not get started about what you where. Life can often dictate to us how to act, what to do and what to say thanks to the opinion of society. But, no longer should this be the case.
We are all individuals and unique. We all have different personalities, different thoughts, and feelings on the world and like to take different actions and offer up different perspectives. In all honesty, that is what keeps life interesting. However, we can all forget that from time to time, so now with a season about to change, new terms about to start and the fog of the new year is behind us, we can start to put a little more focus back on ourselves and really embrace our personalities. So here are some of the ways that you can do it.

Go bold with your fashion choices
The clothes you wear are a big extension of who you are, and so it may be time to start thinking about your fashion choices and how this tells the story of who you are as a person. If you think back to your younger days, you are likely to find that you would be able to distinguish different personality types quite easily. You would find that the feminine girly girls would wear pink, that teenagers who were into certain types of music and stuff might let that develop in their personality, such as wearing a lot of black and embracing genres like goth or grunge. We conformed, rightly or wrongly, but it was easy to distinguish what people were like. But as you get older you are less likely to do this, conforming to a more neutral style. However, there is no harm in expressing who you are still. If you are a girly girly, then rock that look. If you like to feel ultra glam because that is who you are don’t be afraid to look glamorous, and if you are someone who wants to wear darker colours, or just express their personality differently then go for it. Don’t be afraid of what people think.
Embrace accessories and be individual
A great way to embrace who you are an be individual is through accessories. Some people do this by way of piercings. Getting your ears pierced are one of the most common things for people to do, but you could go one step further and get further up your ear pierced as well as a double piercing on the ear lobe. A look for helix piercing online will point you in the right direction. However, why stop with the ears? You could express yourself through piercings elsewhere on the body. Such as the navel piercing, or your nose, for example. Some people also express themselves through their choice of jewellery. Statement necklaces, bold pieces like earrings or bracelets, and even getting body art in the from of tattoos. If you want to express your style differently then why wouldn’t you explore some of these options?
Consider your own opinion on things
Sometimes it is the small things that stop us, and our opinions can be the one thing that hold us back. We can often be too afraid to express our personality through our opinions for fear they are too bold a statement to make, or that people might disagree. True friendships can be formed on a difference of opinion so why not discuss these? Or better yet, why not take the time to actually be more aware of the things that you feel passionate about? Too often we can find that we are all conforming to thinking in a certain way, and acting in a certain way, without even realising it. Maybe now is the time to make some changes and start thinking about discussing what you feel passionate about more often.

Tackle mental issues that are holding you back
There will always be stumbling blocks in your life that stops you in your tracks and embracing who you are. Often these can be mental issues such as anxiety and depression. Anxiety specifically can stop you in your tracks. You can start to feel very confined and decide not to do things or stop things altogether because you feel like you can’t do it, or that your opinion doesn’t count, or that you shouldn’t wear something or look a certain way. These thoughts can often overtake your mind and have you feeling really bad about things. So instead, tackle those mental issues and make some positive changes in your life. You may notice that you start to feel better and feel much more at ease with things moving forward if you embrace what is holding you back and give yourself a break. So much so that you start to feel more comfortable in your own skin and let your personality shine through for the better.
Nourish your body
Finally, make sure that you do what you can nourish your body in the food that you eat and then exercise that you take. It may sound like it isn’t connected to your personality and embracing who you are, but actually it is. When you eat well, and you exercise and get lots of fresh air, you start to feel better in yourself. This can work wonders for helping you with things like mental health issues that could be holding you back. It isn’t about going on a diet, it is more about eating decent food and giving your body what it needs to function. That could be as simple as eating five a day in terms of fruit and vegetables, or it may be more specific such as taking thirty minutes of exercise a few times a week. Try it yourself and see the differences and shift in yourself.
I hope that these tips help you to embrace your personality through your style and actions and stay true to yourself.
Category: Fashion