Fun Finance Facts – Who Knew Money Could Be Funny?

| June 18, 2013 | 0 Comments


When you begin to talk about finances, everyone in the room suddenly has the urge to yawn. It is just not a fun topic to talk about. If you wish to slowly induce everyone into a coma, begin talking about the best ways to save your money. What if you are one of the few people that actually loves finance? How can you shock your friends with your incredible finance wisdom? The best way to go about doing this is to have some funny finance tips and facts on hand at times.

There are many different ways to save money and some of them may not be the way that you think. We have all heard of the “I forgot my wallet” trick. Why have we all heard of this trick? Put simply, because it works. If you want to save a few bucks each month, when you go out with your friends, leave your wallet at home once in a while. Be advised, if you do this on a date, you will probably not go on another with the same person. This is a great little money saving tip that can also be a great conversation starter.

We do not think about it often, but our currency has changed dramatically over the years. Can you imagine the time when trading was the way to acquire new items? In order to gain something, you had to lose something. In America, skins were commonly used as trading items before there was paper money. The most common skin used was elf buck skin. This is why Americans now use the term “buck” to describe money. Thankfully, we now have access to coins and paper money, rather than the skin of dead animals. If this was still common practice we would be getting mountains of skin delivered to our doors when we visit the bank or take out online loans from places like

Did you know that cattle was most likely the oldest form of money? The use of cattle as a currency can be dated all the way back to 9000 B.C. It is easy to see why, as they were a pivotal part of society. They provided food, drink, and can even hold your possessions if you had to travel. While most people had evolved from that form of currency, cattle was still used as currency in some parts of Africa until the middle of the 20th century. Now, however, we use paper and we all know that there is an infinite amount of paper.

There are many strange facts and interesting tidbits of information about finance. While some of them may seem silly, they can actually work if you perform them properly. If you know these types of interesting facts about money, you may be able to get your friends and family involved in finances as well. While everyone loves money, not many people enjoy talking about where it came from and how you can save it. It is just not entertaining dinner conversation. Fortunately for all of you money lovers out there, there are certain ways you can get your friends to enjoy the topic of finances.

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